Photo Essay: Lake Sevan’s Ecological Crisis


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Lake Sevan  in Armenia  has been rising for the last eight years.

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This number of four meters is most likely going to double in the next decade.

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After years of shrinking, Lake Sevan’s growth is a positive one, however hundreds of acres, specifically 800 acres of forest land and construction have been left to rot under water.

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The government has pledged to solve Sevan’s ecological disaster, but the machines for this have yet to be imported.

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© Anush Babajanyan

Anush Babajanyan is a photographer from Armenia. She has photographed extraordinary Armenian women, Kars and recently completed a photo essay on residents in Gyumri who are still feeling the economic aftershocks of the 1988 Spitak Earthquake. To learn more about her and her work, visit and read “Culture Vulture: Photojournalist Anush Babajanyan.



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